Tis the season for colds and sinus infections, and athletes
are not immune to these common illnesses.
In fact, infections of the upper respiratory tract, or URIs, are the
most common illnesses in the general population, as well as athletes. Infections can target the throat and/or the
sinuses, and can be referred to by many names.
“Common cold, “ “strep throat,” and “sinusitis“ are just a few.
The symptoms of URI include a variety of complaints like
cough, nasal congestion, sneezing, sore throat, runny nose, muscle aches, and
fever. Taking into account the history
of the illness and how long it has been present helps to make the
diagnosis. Occasionally, lab tests for
strep, influenza, or mononucleosis may be ordered if those illnesses are
I often am asked for antibiotics for common URI
illnesses. The problem is that most of
these conditions are caused by viruses, so antibiotics—which treat bacterial
infections—are not active against the bugs and do not help to treat or shorten
the illness. Mostly, symptomatic
treatment like a decongestant or cough suppressant in combination with good
hydration and lots of sleep will get an athlete on the road to recovery. Occasionally, medicines like acetaminophen or
ibuprofen can be used for headache, sore throat, or muscle aches.
The best way to avoid a URI is to wash hands, cover mouths
when coughing, and avoid others who are sick.
You know, the things we’ve told our kids since they were old enough to
listen. The problem is that athletes
train and play in close contact with their teammates, so illnesses often spread
quickly through the population. Athletes
should avoid drinking from the same container as a sick teammate, and should
consider getting an annual flu shot to prevent influenza. They should also get plenty of rest and avoid
over-training, which decreases the body’s immune system and increases the risk
of infection.
When an athlete gets sick, he or she should not practice or
compete with a fever. Otherwise, most of
the time an individual may participate if feeling well enough to do so. I use the “above the neck rule.” If the symptoms are in the throat, head, and
sinuses, the athlete is okay to play.
But if he or she is suffering from chills, body aches, or chest
congestion, return to play is not recommended.
Of note, the guidelines for mononucleosis are different, so one should
consult a physician if that diagnosis has been made.
Happy playing! Now go
wash your hands!